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Eddie Basha Regional Partnership Council Excellence Award

The Eddie Basha Regional Partnership Council Excellence Award for Service and Leadership recognizes a First Things First regional council for inspiring its local community to come together and promote positive and lasting change on behalf of young children, thereby enriching all of Arizona.

Eddie Basha Headshot

Eddie Basha

Eddie Basha spent his life championing children and the communities that nurture them. An iconic Arizona businessman, humanitarian and staunch advocate for public education, Eddie believed in the power of people coming together to serve, create and build something better for the future. When speaking about the potential of communities and the importance of service, Eddie often paraphrased the prophet Jeremiah—We will find our good in the good of the whole community.

FTF Regional Partnership Councils

Representing the richly diverse communities across Arizona, First Things First regional partnership councils are comprised of dedicated volunteers—including parents, school administrators, healthcare professionals, faith, business and tribal representatives—who are passionate about Arizona’s youngest children and dedicated to First Things First’s mission. They serve as leaders, collaborators, decision-makers and public stewards, and foster positive change by:

  1. Identifying and prioritizing the needs of young children and families in their local community; and
  2. Creating innovative, strategic approaches – through partnerships, programs and capacity-building – to produce improved outcomes and support the healthy development of young children in the region.

About the Award
The Eddie Basha Regional Partnership Council Excellence Award for Service and Leadership recognizes a First Things First regional council for exemplary performance in promoting positive and lasting change on behalf of young children.

Any of the 28 regional councils may be nominated by a member of the public. Regional partnership council members may nominate other regional councils or their own. (Self-nominations are limited to two per council.)

Nominations are being accepted now through April 30, 2022.

The winner of the 2022 Eddie Basha Regional Partnership Council Excellence Award for Service and Leadership will be announced in August at the 2022 First Things First Early Childhood Summit.

This year’s award recipient will be provided an opportunity to host an early childhood forum, with a keynote speaker, in the regional council’s community. The forum will highlight the service, leadership and collaboration of the regional council and support increased awareness of the importance of early childhood. Additionally, one member of the awarded council will be selected to participate in a leadership conference.

First Things First’s Gila River Indian Community Regional Partnership Council was the inaugural recipient in 2015, followed by the Southwest Maricopa Regional Partnership Council, the La Paz/Mohave Regional Partnership Council, the Navajo/Apache Regional Partnership Council, the Colorado River Indian Tribes Regional Partnership Council, the  Phoenix North Regional Partnership Council, and most recently, the Navajo Nation in 2021.

Submit a Nomination

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Describe an example of how the regional partnership council has demonstrated exceptional service and leadership in identifying needs and opportunities in their local community and creating strategic approaches to produce improved outcomes and support the healthy development of young children in the region. Include partnerships and collaborations, innovative approaches and programs, challenges that were overcome, as well as the immediate and long-term impact of this work. The description provided will be used by the selection committee to identify the winning regional council. Please provide sufficient information to ensure the nomination is viable for consideration.

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