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Parents Playbook


FTF Parents Playbook

First Things First’s Parents Playbook delivers video highlights and in-game analysis for dads, moms, grandparents and everyone who cares for and loves young children. Check it out!

Quality Time!

This episode of FTF’s Parents Playbook is about being in the zone. Time is tight for most parents, but just a little of your focused attention at a time goes a long way. Having positive, nurturing relationships with parents and other adult caregivers helps kids feel safe and secure, and that’s how they learn best. Check out the video for some quality time highlights.

Game Plan:

  • Get in the action, talk with them and respond.
  • Keep it fun and show them the love.
  • Don’t worry about finishing the book or puzzle or game.
  • Follow your child’s lead and move on to something new when they want to.
  • Remember that you don’t have to be perfect. There’s no such thing.

Playtime with Baby

This episode of Parents Playbook is all about the love of the game. Playing is one of the best ways to support your little one’s development and learning. Check out the game film for highlights of two pro parents teaming up for some prime-time playtime.

Game Plan:

  • Follow your child’s lead.
  • Get down on their level.
  • Give them your attention and encouragement.
  • Make it a back-and-forth contest.
  • Keep it fun and show them the love.

Top 5 Tips for Reading with Your Toddler

Reading with your toddler is quality time together. Sharing books also helps them develop the language skills and vocabulary they’ll need to be a good a reader later on. Children’s books introduce kids to new and unusual words that you might not use in everyday conversation at home. That’s important, because studies show that a toddler’s vocabulary is a strong predictor of their later success in school and in life.

Game Plan:

  • Let them choose the books you read together.
  • Point things out on the page.
  • Ask questions about what’s happening in the story.
  • Read together every day. Just a few minutes at a time is fine.
  • Have fun. The goal is to help your child grow to love books and reading.

Everyday Play

This episode of FTF’s Parents Playbook highlights the easy, everyday ways you can support your child’s healthy development and learning. Check out the video to see how two expert grandparents encourage their little one’s imagination, curiosity and love of bananas.

Game Plan

Here are a few tips for encouraging your child’s curiosity and learning through play:

  • Provide safe opportunities for play and discovery throughout the day.
  • Be positive and encouraging.
  • Follow their lead and try not to do everything for them.
  • Have back-and-forth conversations about what they’re doing.
  • Encourage their imagination.

Top 5 Tips for Video Chat with Young Children

Young kids learn and develop by interacting with caring adults. Whatever app you choose — FaceTime, Facebook Messenger, Zoom, Skype, Google, etc. — video chat is a great way to help your little one build a relationship and stay connected with long-distance family and friends. Watch the video for tips from early childhood experts and sports superstars including Luis Gonzalez and Kristi Yamaguchi.

Game Plan

  • Get up close and personal.
  • Get your timing right.
  • Make it an interactive experience.
  • Ask them open-ended questions, and be a good listener.
  • Show them the love.

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