Find Formula or Breast Milk
We know that formula is hard to find right now. First Things First has gathered resources to help.
Last updated: June 13, 2022
Call local resources. Contact local food pantries, food banks or your pediatrician’s office to find formula.
- Find a food bank near you: Arizona Food Bank Network.
- If in Maricopa County, contact a family resource center near you.
- Call the St. Vincent de Paul hotline at 602-850-6709.
- Use this handout to find other brands of formula that may be similar to the one you use.
Call your local WIC clinic for assistance if you are unable to locate infant formula provided through WIC. You may also contact the AZ WIC Shopper Helpline at 866-927-8390. The helpline is open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. You also can email staff members who can help connect you with alternative infant formulas at azwicshoppershelpline@azdhs.gov
Use imported formula. The FDA has issued this helpful infographic, Tips for Preparing Imported Infant Formula. Remember, imported formula measurements are going to be in metric units. Caregivers need to read the preparation information as the measurements and instructions are different and water to formula ratios are different.
Check with a milk bank to see what is available.
- The Milk Spot at Blossom Birth and Wellness Center
2928 N. 18th Place
Phoenix, AZ 85016 - High Country Lactation Care
2717 N Steves Blvd Suite 11
Flagstaff, AZ 86004
Check social media groups. There are groups dedicated to infant feeding and formula, and members may have ideas for where to find formula. Make sure to check any advice with your pediatrician.
Donate formula or breast milk
Anyone with unopened, unexpired formula should contact their local food pantry, food bank or your pediatrician’s office to donate. If you are interested in donating breast milk, here’s info on how to become a donor. |
Because babies need a specific balance of nutrients, do not:
- Water down your formula.
- Make your own formula.
- Give your baby cow milk or goat milk before contacting your pediatrician.
- Purchase more than you need for the next month. Instead, leave it for the next mother or caregiver looking for formula to feed their baby.
Make sure you talk to your pediatrician’s office for assistance on how to best meet your child’s nutritional needs.
You can find more guidance and information from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
First Things First is Arizona’s early childhood agency, committed to the healthy development and learning of young children from birth to age 5.